Enjoying Clean Offices
Commercial cleaning companies help property management firms enjoy clean, attractive premises. Tenants in commercial buildings appreciate the ability to welcome their clients and customers into safe, well kept surroundings, because these environments reflect strongly on them.
When an office manager or a commercial property owner contracts for professional cleaning services, it remains vitally important to consider the special role played by a building’s lobby. Although today some office complexes lack this feature, most properties (including malls) do boast one or more common entrance areas or foyers. These locations should appear immaculate in order to impress visitors!
Distinctive Lobby Features
Lobby areas may differ radically in appearance and available amenities from one location to another. However, these sites do share some features in common:
- They tend to represent “high traffic” zones frequented by both tenants and visitors;
- Tenants usually share a lobby;
- The lobby provides an opportunity to advertise the presence of a business within the building;
- Lobby security issues often pose a significant concern.
These considerations help endow lobbies with a unique, signature quality. Giving extra attention to the decor and presentation of these locations within a building may return a big dividend in terms of creating a desired ambiance! Recently, for instance, the Cash Register Building in Denver upgraded its lobby as part of an ambitious renovation plan. The redecorating effort updated the premises and added artwork and new digital media resource in order to give the office building a more luxurious, contemporary atmosphere.
Caring For Lobbies
Property managers may discover retaining more frequent cleaning services for a lobby proves helpful in enhancing the building’s overall appearance. Due to higher foot traffic numbers and proximity to the outdoors, these areas usually display hard use before other locations within a building. Heavily traversed lobby floors benefit from more frequent washing and vacuuming, for instance.
Since multiple tenants may share the lobby area, these sites provide excellent spots for displaying rosters of building tenants. Posting this information in a clearly visible form may increase tenant satisfaction with management services. You can ask you commercial cleaners to pay particular attention to keeping these signs dusted and smudge-free.
Installing extra lighting around the lobby may promote a brighter, more secure environment by enhancing visibility. Many commercial cleaning firms will also assume responsibility for cleaning and dusting lobby light fixtures. Property or office managers sometimes find it helpful to request cleaning companies to replace light bulbs in the lobby on a specific predetermined schedule, to reduce the chance that a light in this critical location will burn out and create a dimmer lobby environment.
Prioritizing Lobbies Highly
By making the cleanliness of a foyer or lobby in a commercial building a priority, property managers and owners engage in subtle marketing. Tenants want the building to impress their own customers favorably. A beautiful, clean lobby reflects well on everyone!
If you’re business is in need of regular office cleaning by trusted professionals contact the commercial cleaning experts at Gold Star Commercial Cleaning today at 919-422-8997